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Wednesday, December 22, 2010


I will admit that I was one of those people who was pretty down on our president.  I voted for him, but have not been real happy with his performance.  We're getting more involved with Afghanistan and its corrupt leader.  We're getting out of Iraq, but we're still there.  He caved on tax cuts for the rich.  He compromises way too soon for my liking.  It hasn't seemed like he's had a lot of fight in him.

That's all changed in the last two weeks.  I have watched him achieve more in the past two weeks than some presidents in their entire presidency.  Yes, I'm still unhappy about extending tax cuts for people who don't need any help, but the trade was definately a good one.  He got a lot, which shows just how committed the Republicans are to the mega-rich and just how much they could care less about you and me.

He got "Don't ask; don't tell" repealed.  He got a nuclear arms treaty with Russia.  Neither of these wins were imaginable three weeks ago.

Obama's performance of the past couple of weeks reminds me of the Martial Artist about to be attacked.  He stands there, cool, calm, collected, showing no fear.  He waits patiently for his opponent to strike.  He stands still as he watches his opponent throw the first strike.  He waits as the punch comes directly towards his face.  He slows it all down still not moving or showing any emotion.

Just as the fist is about to hit his face he faints his head to one, just slightly while bringing up his hand and lightly perrying the punch off center; not a lot, just enough to miss the target.  The attacking opponent's momentum causes him to fall forward, off balance.  It is at this precise moment that Obama strikes landing devastating blows to his opponent knocking him out.  The opponent never knew what hit him.

Success of this nature can only be achieved by maintaining calm and control; two qualities we all know that President Obama possesses.

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