Hello Americans and Happy Holidays,
We've got some choices to make. The Christian radical right in this country are now looking to demonize those who think protecting our environment for future generations is a good thing.
There is most certainly enough craziness (and crazies) going on out there to make me think that perhaps it is time for Vermont to seriously consider withdrawing from the Union. I know, I know....that's a little over the top, but this is the state that is recognized as one of the nation's cleanest states. We take protecting our environment seriously. Why? Because it matters not just to those of us who are here today, but to those who will be here 100 years from now.
This stellar record impacts other things as well. For instance, Vermont's unemployment rate is 4 points lower than the national average. Being clean and green is also good business.
In a world where greed now runs rampant and people are only concerned about themselves and the here and now, it's really nice to live in a state with people who genuinely care about tomorrow. Which leads me back to the idea of going it alone. If the rest of the nation wants to follow the lead of Christians who have the nerve to demonize anyone then perhaps we should leave you folks to yourself. Go pollute your waterways, let the big corporations have their way with your environment so that they can increase their profits. Just stay away from Vermont. We don't tolerate that nonsense here.
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