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Thursday, December 23, 2010

The Morning After

Good morning.  As we get ready to celebrate Christmas in America we should take a moment to ponder on what just happened in Congress over the past couple of weeks.

Many of us had just about counted Obama out of the game.  He's not been quite as impressive as many of us thought during the campaign.  All that changed as of yesterday.  This president has ended his first two years in office with arguably as one of the most accomplished presidents of all times.  Miraculously he has done almost everything that he set out to do and the one or two things he didn't complete he has now vowed to come back next year and fight for.

And that's what many had hoped to see; a little more fight from this man.  But he's smart.  He knows not to push too soon.  He has been resoundingly underestimated by friends and foes.  The Republicans were even opining yesterday that Obama was getting everything he wanted. 

To get what he wanted, though, he had to hand over 100's of billions of dollars to the nation's most wealthy.  That's a big trade and hopefully one that the American people will not stand for.  If people firmly grasp the implications of shelling out China's money to pay billionaires and leaving the middle class with a huge debt, they may not be quite so happy about it.  They may just start calling their Reps & Senators and shouting "No Way".

Should that happen, Obama would win it all.  He'll be in great position at the end of the next two years and we'll look forward to having him as our president for another four years.  But a lot could happen between now and then.

In the meantime, best to you and yours for the Holidays.

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